Medical Speech Pathology

Lee-Silverman Voice Treatment

Lee-Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) is the first speech treatment with level 1 evidence and established efficacy for treating voice and speech disorders in people with Parkinson disease (PD), with application to other neurological disorders.

The LSVT Programs have been developed and scientifically researched over the past 25 years, with documented improvement impacting on multiple levels of functioning in people with PD following treatment including:

  • Increased vocal loudness
  • Improved articulation and speech intelligibility
  • Improved intonation
  • Improvements in facial expression
  • Changes in neural functioning related to voice and speech


LSVT LOUD is a standardized treatment protocol that is customized to the unique communication goals of each person across a range of disease severity and communication impairments.

Visit the LSVT Global website for more information, or to access a list of certified practitioners: