Swallowing is a complex sensorimotor process that can be affected by many medical conditions. Medical Speech Pathology specialises in complex dysphagia assessment and treatment for adults, with a strong focus on gold-standard assessment and evidence-based treatment.
Treatment modalities include:
Dysphagia rehabilitation and compensatory strategies
Surface Electromyography (sEMG) biofeedback
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)
McNeil Dysphagia Therapy Program
Respiratory Muscle Strength Training
Tongue strength and endurance rehabilitation using the Tongueometreâ„¢ device
Medical Speech Pathology can assess your swallowing in your home or usual environment, organise an instrumental assessment of swallowing as appropriate (eg. VFSS/FEES) and devise an evidence-based treatment plan to manage your swallowing difficulties. We can also create Mealtime Management Plans for participants under the NDIS and provide carer training and education for support teams.